64 Books. Whew. It looks like I beat my record from last year (58). This year was very heavy on Charles Stross, who I really enjoy reading. That said, I feel like this year was much lighter on educational non-fiction. I’ll have to correct that this year, so if you have any recommendations, please send them my way!

My favorite booklast year was definitely The Slow Regard of Silent things by Patrick Rothfuss. It is one of the most unique and original books I’ve read. Period. It is definitely worth a read, and I will recommend it to everyone. The only caveat is that you must read the Name of the Wind before starting it.

Other books of note are the Mistborn and WWW trilogies. Both are very enjoyable and provide a lot to chew on.

What were your favorite books you read in  2014?

Here is the list in chronolical order (most recent last):

Red Mars: Kim Stanley Robinson

Blue Mars: Kim Stanley Robinson

Green Mars: Kim Stanley Robinson

Influx: Daniel Suarez

Pattern Recognition: William Gibson

Shards of Honor: Lois McMaster Bujold

Count Zero: William Gibson

The Second Machine Age: Erik Brynjolfsson

Accelerando: Charles Stross

The Economic Origins of the Territorial State: Scott Abrasion

Singularity Sky: Charles Stross

Crucial Conversations: Kerry Patterson, et al.

Ringworld: Larry Niven

Capital in the Twenty-First Century: Thomas Piketty

Diplomacy: Henry Kissinger

No Place to Hide: Glenn Greenwald

Venture Deals: Brad Feld

The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Ben Horowitz

Looking for Alaska: John Green

Otherland: City of Golden Shadow: Tad Williams

Otherland: River of Blue Fire: Tad Williams

Otherland: Mountain of Black Glass: Tad Williams

Otherland: Sea of Silver Light: Tad Williams

Dictator’s Dilemma: Bruce Bueno de Mesquita

Rogues: George R.R. Martin et al.

The End of the Suburbs: Leigh Gallagher

The Reckoning: Financial Accountability and the Rise and Fall of Nations: Jacob Soll

The Family Trade: Charles Stross

The Hidden Family: Charles Stross

The Clan Corporate: Charles Stross

The Merchants’ War: Charles Stross

The Revolution Business: Charles Stross

The Trade of Queens: Charles Stross

The Puzzle Palace: James Bamford

Playing the Whore: Melissa Gira Grant

Atrocity Archives: Charles Stross

The Jennifer Morgue: Charles Stross

Down on the Farm: Charles Stross

Equoid: Charles Stross

Overtime: Charles Stross

The Apocalypse Codex: Charles Stross

Phases Chart: Charles Stross

The Fuller Memorandum: Charles Stross

Halting State: Charles Stross

American Gods: Neil Gaiman

Reamde: Neal Stephenson

Anansi Boys: Neil Gaiman

The Windup Girl: Paolo Bacigalupi

Political Order and Political Decay: Francis Fukuyama

All the Light We Cannot See: Anthony Doerr

Rule 34: Charles Stross

The Slow Regard of Silent Things: Patrick Rothfuss

The Fountains of Paradise: Arthur C. Clarke

The Broom of the System: David Foster Wallace

Feudal Society Volume 1: Marc Bloch

Mistborn: Brandon Sanderson

Well of Ascension: Brandon Sanderson

Hero of Ages: Brandon Sanderson

The $12 Million Dollar Stuffed Shark: Don Thompson

WWW: Wake: Robert J Sawyer

WWW: Watch: Robert J Sawyer

WWW: Wonder: Robert J Sawyer

Make it So: Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction: Nathan Shedroff and Christopher Noessel

The Martian: Andy Weir

*Migration Note (06/2024): I used Chat GPT to generate links for each of the books. I did not specify where the links should go, nor did I check to see if they made sense.

All the Books I read in 2014