
Bit torrent is a service which stands for the freedom of information, but is that information free to everyone? 

I decided to check out how accessible the the top tormenting websites like the Pirate Bay were. I also tried using three clients for the Mac of which only one was useable.

The good news -  It is possible to download torrents using a screen reader.

The bad news - It’s not easy


None of the top 5 websites (as ranked by actively support accessibility. Not one uses ARIA landmarks, section headers are often missing, and tables displaying search results are difficult to navigate.

Best Bet - No single website outshines the others. Choose the website that has the best selection. Avoid


In order to do download a torrent file you need to install a client on your computer. The three most popular options for the Mac are : uTorrentTransmission, and Vuze.  Of these 3 only uTorrent is accessible. The other options do not label any menu items or downloading files (the read as “blank”). Warning: Do not install Vuze. It installs chrome extensions without your permission or knowledge and changes your DNS settings).

Best Bet - uTorrent.

For a service that values open access to information so highly, there is a lot of room for improving the accessibility of these products.

Which torrent websites and clients are most accessible?