From white board to launch, I’ve spent 100+ hours putting together Answers.MD.  It’s been a great learning experience, but I didn’t just do it for the kicks.

I did it becuase Med students deserve our support, and here’s why.

A brief outline of what it takes to become a doctor:

  • Take SATs
  • Apply for College
  • 4 years of Pre-Med (all those hard science classes)
  • Take MCATs (maybe twice)
  • Apply for Med School
  • 2 years of lecture (8 hours of lecture + 6-8 hours of studying)
  • Take Step 1 of the Board Exams
  • 2 years of Rotations
  • Take Step 2 of the Board Exams
  • Apply for Residency
  • 1 year of Residency
  • Step 3 of the Board Exams
  • 1-3 years more of Residency
  • Specialist examinations

Finally, If you passed everything and got accepted to Med School and Residency programs, You are now a Practicing Doctor. (Let’s not even get into the debt you’ve just accumulated).

The Life of an aspiring doctor is one of perpetual studying and test taking. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing considering the responsibilities a Doctor has.

For a profession that is so focused on learning and acquiring new skills, you would think there would be amazing tools to help make the life of a student a little easier.

Sadly, you’d be mistaken.

Between recycled lecture notes and $100+ textbooks, students have few resources for outside support. Wikipedia has become the defacto resource of Med Students across the country.

Answers.Md Is my attempt to make the painful process of becoming a doctor a little less excruciating.  And, as a question and answer site, it may not be the best solution, but it’s a start. 

Have any ideas on how to help Med Students?, or ideas on how to improve Send me an email at [email protected], and let’s figure out how to make Med Students’ lives a little less hellish.

Why I Made Answer.MD